Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sweet 17

Well, its already started. My friends are beginning to turn 17 and getting their licenses. We all decided that we wouldn't get each other huge gifts because then none of us have money to do anything else. Since we are all driving, its become a tradition for us to give stuff to use with the car.

Everyone needs an ID case for the license! 

Madras keyfobs!
With where we live, rain is always random, so its necessary to keep one in your trunk!

Perfect thing to attach your keys to!
So cute to have in your car when you need water!

For those really cold winter days when driving to school seems like just too much energy.

May the wind be with you,
The Sailor in Pink OoXx


  1. Perfect gifts!! Absolutely perfect!! You're friends are going to love you and the presents!!

    Telia, NewlyWedWifeLife

  2. Those are great gift ideas! I have so many of the Vera Bradley id cases for them!
